Summer in the Psalms

This Summer we journey through the Psalms. Think of the Psalms as a mirror for the soul, capturing every emotion we've ever felt. They're not just ancient poetry; they're a lifeline in every season of life, giving us words to talk to God when we don't know what to say.

But here's the thing: they're not just about us or even King David, their famous author. They're like signposts pointing straight to Jesus. Seriously, the New Testament can't stop referencing them—116 times! I pray this Summer as we’re reading the Psalms, it won’t just be about finding comfort or learning about David's adventures. I pray it will be about discovering Jesus in every line, seeing how He fulfills every promise, and finding hope that stretches far beyond our circumstances. They're not just old words; they're a roadmap to the heart of the Gospel, showing us where real life is found.

Week 1

Psalms - An Overview

Week 2

How Long, Lord?

Week 3

The Good Shepherd

Week 4

Being Honest With God

Week 5

Lost In Transit

Week 6

Worship In Waiting

Week 7

Walking With The God Of Forgiveness And Restoration

Week 8

Looking for What's Fair

Week 9

The Pilgrimage of Worship

Week 10

Worries, Wrongs, & Wishes

Week 12

How Deep is Your Love

Week 13

The Hallelujah Chorus